Hello Pete

Pete Helgren wrote:

I had posted some of this about two years ago when I first started working with the 5250 applet. The problems that I had (and still have) have to do with the passing of UserID and password in the clear when I start an applet session. Gaurav posted some code that has a servlet that talks to the applet and passes the password back to it. I think I can follow the approach but wanted to know if anyone else had solved this problem in a different way.

I do not remember this post for having the applet talk with a servlet. That would take a modification of the applet code correct? What would be the key to pass to the servlet to obtain the information? Actually asking what the flow is for the communication. It actually sounds quite neat and if you have an example could you post it again.

We have an HTML based menuing system that runs on the iSeries (under an Apache web server). The user logs in via an HTML login prompt and then the menu(s) are generated from there. Some of the menu items are HTML based but some are 5250 apps and we launch them using tn5250j in an applet. We generate the HTML that launches the applet on the fly using a template but so far we have had to pass the password in the clear, not a good solution.

What about doing the signin within the code first using a ProtocolBean or SessionBean? When the applet is served it would already be on the display that would like. Kind of like the Portal conversation that Wim and I were having a couple of days ago. That is bascially what he was doing. Not sure I like the solution he suggests as I think there are more elegant ways to do this within the code base. With the SessionBean you can set this information before doing the connect via the setter methods. Including the program and library to start with.

Look in the list archives for the Portal conversation.

So, if you have any ideas that we could use to start the applet without passing the password in the clear, I'd like to hear about it.

We also have a need to end the application gracefully when the users are done running the 5250 application. Right now, we display a message that says "Click the Exit link to end the program" and the user has to click the link to end the session. What I would like to do is have the applet close when the 5250 application has ended automatically. I am not sure how to accomplish this since the 5250 session would have to "tell" the applet to close....

I am not to sure how to handle this scenario of closing an applet but what you could do is attach a scan listener to the session object and then trap that code in your listener. Am not clear on the applet closing part though as to what exactly it should do. Within your scanner listener you could then call another servlet to close the session or redirect you to another page.

It would actually take a modification to the host application though to do this.

Basically it would be a screen that starts with #! in the first position with the command to parse after it. All the code is there to see how it works in scan() method. I think I posted something on this last week and that is how Wim does this within his application. Well actually from what I understand he passes whole processes to the scan listener to run custom objects but the concept is the same. Again unfortunately a modification of the host system to call the new display screen at the end though. That is the only way the applet/emulator would know when it should close down.

I'd appreciate anyone's idea as to how to solve these two issues as simply as possible.

Hopefully the above helps. Am sure Wim could answer some more questions on this as that was what we came up with when he was asking about this. I had some very basic code implementing this idea in the emulator but Wim and his team went way further with it. Actually works like a charm.



Pete Helgren

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