Dear Roberto,

I'm only a "consumer" of open source projects, so I have a very little working 
knowledge about the rules of Sourceforge and the habits of managing open source 
projects, but ...
.. I think that if you and your group want start working on tn5250j there's no 
need to wait :
make a fork(), publish it on a public accessible subversion server, inform the 
tn5250j* group about your plans, milestones and releases and, In My Humble 
Opinion, things will magically happens.

BTW, I'm very interested on tn5250j in order to replace a battery of 5250 java 
screen scraping engines ...

So my 2 (Euro) cents : don't hold your breath, "cvs get" the current release, 
make a svn vendor branch, synch it with your edition and republish it somewhere.

"Se son rose, fioriranno"
(~~ If it's a rose, it will bloom ~~)

My best regards,

    David Grandi
Ing. Davide Grandi

> ==========================
> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 14:48:16 +0200
> From: "Roberto Endrizzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: [Tn5250j-general]  TN5250J in WDSC/RDi
> ==========================
> Good morning all,
> unfortunately I didn't receive any news from Kenneth and so I 
> decided to
> re-post in here hoping he will read and answer.
> But I also want to make myself clear about the meaning of my 
> previous
> message: me and my group are interested in taking all the project 
> up, not
> only being inserted as developers. As I said we work for an italian
> IT-company which uses tn5250j a lot and that decided to give 
> us the
> opportunity (intended as working-hours) to work on the project 
> to improve
> it.
> In case Kenneth decides to pass the administration of the project 
> to us it
> will, of course, remain open-source and there's also the possibility 
> that we
> will need some external developers.
> Hoping to hear from you soon,
> Best Regards,
> Roberto Endrizzi

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