Hi Arpe,

did you've checked your 'device name'?
By default, AS400 will terminate a named device from connection,
when there were to many login failures.
This means, in your connection settings you're using '-dn JQ'.
So AS400 will block/disconnected device 'JQ' until next IPL.

Try to not use '-dn' parameter and you should connect again.

If so, I consider this not a bug in TN5250j and this issue is closed ;-)
Please, give feedback about.


> Martin,
> Sorry, I just re-read my response and realised that I did not answer your
> question!
> Yes, it used to work.  More specifically, it "breaks" after a login macro
> runs with a bad password.
> I write little login macros to enter user/pass and set my library list.
> Sometimes, these macros get out of date.  The login screen rejects my
> login.
> So naturally, now I am *very* careful about the password in my login
> macros.
> After this occurs, I can never connect to the machine again using TN5250J.
>  Even if I remove/disable the login macro.  Very strange.  Shall we call
> this AS/400 Artificial Intelligence?  =)  Sadly, RUMBA (grrrrrr....)
> continues to work.
> Thanks,
> Arpe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arpe, Kevin C
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:53 PM
> To: tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Immediate disconnect
> Martin,
> That is a good idea.
> I'll grab some old releases from sf.net and see if it works for me.
> Currently, I only use SVN source... compile myself using Ant+javac.  I'll
> report back in a day or two.
> In parallel, how much can this negotiation code change between releases?
> You could just focus on this area first.
> Thanks,
> Arpe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin W. Kirst [mailto:m...@bitkings.de]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:36 PM
> To: tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Immediate disconnect
> Hi Arpe,
> not yet ...
> Just a formal question,
> did it work with TN5250j before (I mean not SVN trunk)?
> If yes, would you please send me the version number,
> so I may have a chance to figure out what falls apart.
> Regards
>  Martin
>> Hi Martin,
>> Have you looked at this issue yet?  Please let me know if you can
>> replicate the issue on your side.
>> More and more boxes are have this problem on my side.  I would like very
>> much to use TN5250J more... not less.  =)
>> Thanks,
>> Arpe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arpe, Kevin C
>> Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 11:46 AM
>> To: tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: RE: [Tn5250j-general] Immediate disconnect
>> Martin,
>> I ran "svn update" this morning, and rebuilt my JAR file.  I tried again
>> and have the same connection issue.
>> I stepped into the debugger, but I am still stuck.  No idea why this
>> fails.  Unfortunately, I am not an 5250 expert like you.  =(
>> My debugger entry point: org.tn5250j.My5250.main()
>> Args: [JKCSPQQQ.svr.apac.jpmchase.net -p 23 -f JKCSPQQQ.props -e -t -spp
>> 1080 -d -dn JQ]
>> I debugged here: org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.tnvt.connect()
>> There is a tight loop that fails for me: while (negotiate(abyte0 =
>> readNegotiations()));
>> Here is the receive/send sequence:
>> Receive: [-1, -3, 39, -1, -3, 24]
>> Send   : [-1, -5, 39]
>> Send   : [-1, -5, 24]
>> Receive: [-1, -6, 39, 1, 3, 73, 66, 77, 82, 83, 69, 69, 68, -105, 52,
>> 25,
>> -84, -96, -113, -44, 40, 0, 3, -1, -16, -1, -6, 24, 1, -1, -16]
>> Send   : [-1, -6, 39, 0, 3, 75, 66, 68, 84, 89, 80, 69, 1, 66, 82, 66,
>> 3,
>> 67, 79, 68, 69, 80, 65, 71, 69, 1, 51, 55, 3, 67, 72, 65, 82, 83, 69,
>> 84,
>> 1, 54, 57, 55, 3, 68, 69, 86, 78, 65, 77, 69, 1, 74, 81, -1, -16]
>> Send   : [-1, -6, 24, 0, 73, 66, 77, 45, 51, 49, 55, 57, 45, 50, -1,
>> -16]
>> Receive: [-1, -3, 25, -1, -5, 25, -1, -3, 0, -1, -5, 0]
>> Send   : [-1, -5, 25]
>> Send   : [-1, -3, 25]
>> Send   : [-1, -5, 0]
>> Send   : [-1, -3, 0]
>> Receive: <no bytes, exception>
>> Can you advise?  Sadly, if I use the closed-source RUMBA, I can connect.
>> Thanks,
>> Arpe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Arpe, Kevin C
>> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 5:20 PM
>> To: tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Immediate disconnect
>> Martin,
>> I build from Subversion source.  Last build was about two weeks ago.
>> I just ran svn update and I see there are some changes for revision
>> 1156.
>> I will try to rebuild the jar and try connecting again.
>> Still, is there a way to increase debug output?  Otherwise, I will try
>> to
>> step into the debugger.
>> Thanks,
>> Arpe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin W. Kirst [mailto:m...@bitkings.de]
>> Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 5:16 PM
>> To: tn5250j-general@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Immediate disconnect
>> Hi Arpe,
>> what version of Tn5250j do you use?
>> "tn5250j-0.6.3-jse6" OR "tn5250j-0.6.3" ?
>> Regards
>>  Martin
>>> Hi,
>>> I am now a regular user of TN5250J.
>>> I have a problem today where after connecting to one server, I am
>>> immediately disconnected.
>>> I tried to connect and login using vanilla telnet, then RUMBA.  Both
>>> are
>>> OK.
>>> I am OK to connect to other servers.  Below is the output.  I need to
>>> provide more information to debug.
>>> How can I do this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Arpe
>>>>java -jar lib\tn5250j.jar JKCSPAPA.svr.apac.jpmchase.net -p 23 -e -t
>>>> -spp
>>>> 1080 -d -dn JA
>>> BootStrapper listening
>>> WARN [org.tn5250j.My5250] Information Message: Can not find scripting
>>> support files, scripting will not be available:
>>> Failed to load interpreter drivers java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> org/python/core/PyException
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>         at org.tn5250j.Gui5250Frame.determineTabName(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.Gui5250Frame.setSessionTitle(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.Gui5250Frame.jbInit(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.Gui5250Frame.<init>(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.My5250.newView(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.My5250.<init>(Unknown Source)
>>>         at org.tn5250j.My5250.main(Unknown Source)
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.common.SessionManager] New session Manager
>>> initialized
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController] plugin directory is:
>>> C:\eclipse\workspace2\JPM-AS400\ext
>>> WARN [org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController] Plugin path
>>> 'C:\eclipse\workspace2\JPM-AS400\ext' does not exist. No plugins will
>>> be
>>> loaded.
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController] Tn5250j plugin manager
>>> created
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.Tn5250jController] Tn5250j plugin manager
>>> started
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.tnvt]  new session ->
>>> JKCSPAPA.svr.apac.jpmchase.net
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.transport.SocketConnector] Creating Plain
>>> Socket
>>> WARN [org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.tnvt] connect() Connection closed.
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.framework.tn5250.tnvt] Closing socket
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.My5250] session found and closing down
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.Gui5250Frame] session found and closing down 0
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.My5250] disconnecting socket
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.My5250] socket closed
>>> INFO [org.tn5250j.My5250] view settings -s
>>> JKCSPAPA.svr.apac.jpmchase.net
>>> This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
>>> conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of
>>> securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses,
>>> confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers,
>>> available at http://www.jpmorgan.com/pages/disclosures/email.
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