On 22 Sep 2008 at 11:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> The attached message was received as a bounce, but either the bounce
> format was not recognized, or no member addresses could be extracted
> from it.  This mailing list has been configured to send all
> unrecognized bounce messages to the list administrator(s).

Looks like you had a problem reaching the list.

> I decided to use IPC framework for threads communication.
> After sending message from thread to main thread:
>  >  FXERRHM(wc = new WindowConnector(this, *pipe));
>  >  wc->channel()->start(true);
>  > ...
>  >  TestMarketMsg_Action act(1);
>  >  wc->channel()->sendMsg(act);
> the exception is generated:
>  > Thread 5808 sending msg 0x83 (struct TestMarketMsg_Action), len=34
>  bytes > FXException id 1 created, 'Maximum message size exceeded
>  (570425344 
> with limit of 65536)'
>  > at line 387 in src\FXIPC.cxx thread 2656
>  > Exception occurred in thread 2656 (IPC channel monitor): Maximum 
> message size exceeded
>  > (570425344 with limit of 65536) (code 0x7C8B4603 file
>  > src\FXIPC.cxx line 387 in FX::FXIPCChannel::doReception() thread 2656)
>  > Stack backtrace:
>  > 0x620021B1:<unknown>            FX::FXException::FXException +0x41 >   
>                                (file fxexception.h             line 
> no 389)
>  > 0x62250EF4:<unknown>            FX::FXIPCChannel::doReception +0x6b4 > 
>                                  (file fxipc.cxx                 line 
> no 387)
>  > 0x6224E127:<unknown>            FX::FXIPCChannel::run +0x27
>  >                                  (file fxipc.h                   line no
> 817)
>  > 0x6231F834:<unknown>            FX::QThreadPrivate::run +0x1e4
>  >                                  (file qthread.cxx               line no
> 1030)
>  > 0x623211B9:<unknown>            FX::start_thread +0xb9
>  >                                  (file qthread.cxx               line no
> 788)
>  > 0x623210EC:<unknown>            FX::start_threadwin +0xc
>  >                                  (file qthread.cxx               line no
> 841)
>  > 0x7C80B6A3:<unknown>            GetModuleFileNameA +0x1b4
>  >                                  (file <unknown>                 line no
> 0)
>  > <backtrace ends>
>  > Thread 2656 (IPC channel monitor) cleanup
>  > Attempting to send Disconnect message to other end of IPC connection >
>  Thread 2656 sending msg 0x1 (struct FX::FXIPCMsg_Disconnect), len=18 
> bytes
>  > Succeeded in sending Disconnect message to other end of IPC connection! >
>  Thread 560 received msg 0x1 (struct FX::FXIPCMsg_Disconnect), len=18 
> bytes
>  > class WindowConnector [EMAIL PROTECTED]: msgReceived()
> I think the exception is generated at reception in main thread.
> I do not know, what else i must post for detecting the problem..
> Strange what message size is 570425344..
> Where I could wrong?

Are you sure you are defining & registering the message chunk 
correctly as per the documentation and source code examples?

Your error above suggests a serialisation/deserialisation mismatch in 
the message sent before that message - the exception you got is a 
trap for that problem. There is some #ifdef DEBUG code in the 
FXIPCChannel source which may help and there are even more debug 
outputs which can be commented into working too. One of them even 
dumps a byte output of bytes received & sent so you should definitely 
find where the problem is.


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