Mario Viana wrote:

I want to user chkuser-mysql in my SMTP-MX-ANTIVIR to deny incoming SMTP for unknown virtual domain users before forwarding message to antivirus and pop server to reduce antivirus working. I have replicated my vpopmail database from POP server to SMTP server yet, and create a "fake" /home/vpopmail/domains/ (with bounce-no-mailbox) but chkuser still doesn work.

What does the chkuser patch are looking for? It works with my POP server without any problem, perhaps virtualdomains is needed? How can I use chkuser

/var/qmail/control/ and /var/qmail/users/* must be also replicated in order to get chkusr patch working correctly ;) Or maybe you want to modify source to fetch virtual domains from textfile.

-- Eero

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