Hi all,

I am helping a friend set up qmail with all the fixings offered by this list.

He is running Mandrake 10.1 (3 CD version) with a basic install (with URPMI), and high security.

He is stuck on the courier-imap section - specifically with the ./configure command after

tar -xjf tar/courier-authlib-0.56.tar.bz2
cd courier-authlib-0.56

It spits out toward the end:

checking for perl5... /usr/bin/perl5
checking for courier-config... no
then it displays a lot of configure: WARNING: === messages about it thinking he is running Redhat.

Trying to run gmake after this will not work.

Any ideas?


Deion "Mule" Christopher

--Mule was here!--
--Republican Team Leader And Proud Of It!--

----Original Message Follows----
From: rene marticke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: toaster@shupp.org
To: toaster@shupp.org
Subject: [toaster] High CPU-Load clamd
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:26:15 +0200

Hi group,

At one of my mailserver something magic happen.
Since 6pm yesterday, the CPU-Load is near 100% constant. So the system is very slow.
The Process is the clamd. (I use toaster + simscan + clamd + spamd)
I wonder, that there is no mail to scan by clamd for eg. 20 Minutes but the load don't go down.

Can you give me some hints ?

regards rene

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