Take a look through your Apache logs to see the URL call they used to exploit the /tmp directory.  Try searching for strings like: 'wget' or 'ftp' within your apache access logs.  Chances are you will uncover the cuplrit script.
Judging by the permissions in the files in your /tmp directory they most likely did not get root on the box.  In the future I would recommend chmod'ing the following executables to 700:
If you can get away with chmoding perl to 700 that will help things also.  Due to the permission settings on this files, they had to have executed the script with:  perl filename.pl
Check out mod_security for Apache as well.

On 2/10/06, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rick Macdougall wrote:
> David wrote:
>> *warning long email*
>> Hi all,
>> We have been running a Shupp toaster for about 18 months on a Redhat
>> 9 box, and the other day it appears it was compromised by spammers. I
>> thought if I posted a few things I found about the system drive
>> perhaps someone might be able to help me figure out how/how to
>> prevent this...
>> apache   32499 32498  0 Feb08 ?        S      0:00  \_ perl
>> /tmp/dc.txt 67.159.2
>> apache   32503 32499  0 Feb08 ?        S      0:00      \_ /bin/bash
> Hi,
> I believe that is the xmlprc exploit against apache/php (could be the
> phpbb exploit, but I'm pretty sure the dc.txt is part of the xmlrpc).
> Upgrade your php and apache, find the xmlrpc.php in question and fix it.
> You can then use a tool like qmail-remove to clean out the queue.
> Regards,
> Rick
> !DSPAM:43ec99dc204751732444004!
Thanks Rick,

I'm running php 4.3.10 and I can't find any information about a xmlrpc
exploit; I also can't find any entries in my logs about dc.txt. I will
keep looking.


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