check the version of stunnel instaled, and use the corresponding run script for qmail-pop3ds



*Ingo Claro F.*
Gerente de Operaciones
(+56-2) 43 00 155

NetRed S.A. <>
Certificado ISO 9001:2000

Alex Dean escribió:
On May 4, 2006, at 11:07 AM, Rick Macdougall wrote:

Might it be a permissions problem ?

I thought that at first, but changing permissions on the certificate file did not help. :(

Is stunnel running as vpopmail so it can read the file ?

I'm not sure, but I think so. The only place I've seen stunnel invoked is in /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3ds/run :

exec /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -l 0 -R -H -v \
        -u"$VPOPMAILUID" -g"$VPOPMAILGID" 0 995                        \
/usr/sbin/stunnel -f -p /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem \
            -l /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup -- qmail-popup `hostname`  \
        /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1

I'm on Debian, and used apt-get to install stunnel. apt installed it in /usr/bin/, so I put a symlink in /usr/sbin pointing to it. Before I did this I was getting errors like "@40000000445a38f325b9380c tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to run /usr/sbin/stunnel: file does not exist". The fact that these have ceased makes me think that qmail is able to run stunnel OK. Whether it is configured correctly may be another matter...

 Error reading certificate file: /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem

seems like a permissions problem to me. Maybe as a test, chmod 666 servercert.pem and see if you get the same error.

I thought the same thing. When I chmod'ed servercert.pem, it didn't fix the problem but I did get a new error, so I chmod'ed it back. Note the line that says 'wrong permissions...'. Other than that, it's all the same as before.

kiltlifter:/var/qmail/control# chmod o+r servercert.pem
<try to check mail via remote machine>
kiltlifter:/var/qmail/control# tail /var/log/qmail/pop3ds/current
@40000000445a443e2b2fd6ec tcpserver: pid 21480 from
@40000000445a443e2b309654 tcpserver: ok 21480 0: : @40000000445a443e2b744674 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG5[21480:16384]: Using 'qmail-popup' as tcpwrapper service name @40000000445a443e2b75e484 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG4[21480:16384]: Wrong permissions on /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem @40000000445a443e2be3cd3c 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG5[21480:16384]: Could not load DH parameters from /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem @40000000445a443e2be4c354 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG4[21480:16384]: Diffie-Hellman initialization failed @40000000445a443e2beea694 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG3[21480:16384]: Error reading certificate file: /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem @40000000445a443e2bf06f9c 2006.05.04 11:13:08 LOG3[21480:16384]: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
@40000000445a443e2bf793bc tcpserver: end 21480 status 256
@40000000445a443e2bf79f74 tcpserver: status: 0/40


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