Thanks a lot!

I took what you said and applied it to the toaster directions and it works now.

What I think happened is simple operator error. During the setup of simplehelpdesk, I noticed that the 'mail' command was missing. I then proceeded to install mailx which also installed postfix. I removed postfix (and mailx). I ran the "rpm -e --nodeps postfix" command and didn't realize that I had to re-create the symbolic links to /usr/sbin/sendmail again...

Thanks for the help.

Deion "Mule" Christopher

----Original Message Follows----
From: Bill Shupp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [toaster] Simplehelpdeskfinal wont send mail through qmail setup
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:15:38 -0700

Mo Mule wrote:

> I think it has something to do with:
> rpm -e --nodeps sendmail postfix
> So is it possible to have the qmail toaster AND mailx(postfix) running
> on the same machine?

I don't recommend it.

> Or like I asked before, could it just need a new
> php command or wrapper to have it deliver email messages to the local
> qmail accounts?

Does /usr/sbin/sendmail exist?  And is it a symbolic link to
/var/qmail/bin/sendmail?  That's all you need for local injection to work.



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