Also Im spamd logs with debug enabled I see this:

@4000000046141a6c3a9a673c [4489] dbg: prefork: child 23924: entering state 1 @4000000046141a6c3a9c4b9c [4489] dbg: prefork: new lowest idle kid: 23924
@4000000046141a6c3a9d3dcc [4489] dbg: prefork: child reports idle
@4000000046141a6c3a9eeb7c [4489] info: prefork: child states: II
@4000000046141a6c3aa41f84 [23924] dbg: prefork: sysread(6) not ready, wait max 300 secs @4000000046141af03a75feec [23925] dbg: prefork: periodic ping from spamd parent @4000000046141af03a76165c [23925] dbg: prefork: sysread(8) not ready, wait max 300 secs @4000000046141af03a7625fc [23924] dbg: prefork: periodic ping from spamd parent @4000000046141af03a76359c [23924] dbg: prefork: sysread(6) not ready, wait max 300 secs

Thank you.

On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Alexey Amerik wrote:

At any given time while things are turned on this is what I see for spamd in process list..can someone confirm if this is correct:

root 4489 2.9 1.9 33576 31064 ? S 16:32 0:05 /usr/ bin/perl -T -w /usr/bin/spamd -D -x -u vpopmail -s stderr vpopmail 4525 22.2 3.2 53724 50968 ? R 16:32 0:41 spamd child vpopmail 4526 0.0 1.9 33576 31068 ? S 16:32 0:00 spamd child
clamav    5189  0.0  0.0  2232  620 ?        S    16:34   0:00 spamc


On Apr 4, 2007, at 4:09 PM, Alexey Amerik wrote:

Hello all,

Some important messages are getting stuck in /var/qmail/simscan. Currently the dir is totalling 14 megabytes. I am scratching my head here as there is nothing thats obviously wrong. Can someone, anyone, please assist? I've been at it for a week almost.


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