Alexey Amerik wrote:
> Problem fixed!  The problem was related to severely crippled downstream
> because of a switch misconfiguration that resulted in packet collisions,
> and very poor performance.  it is my guess that simscan simply gave up
> waiting on downloading of messages with fairly large attachments . 
> Thank you everyone.

This makes sense.  Duplicate messages in my experience are related to
smtp latency - whether it's overloaded scanners, dns problems, or as in
your case, network problems.  The sending MTA just resends if the
termination of the DATA command does not respond quickly enough.

> The only question now is how do I deal with those messages that are
> still stuck in /var/qmail/simcan?  There is about 12mb of undelivered
> messages in that location.  I dont think simscan tries to redeliver.

If they are still there, then it's pretty likely that the messages were
retried anyway.  Perhaps someone will have a method for getting them
into the queue.  But if I were you, I'd just archive it, and remove it
from /var/qmail/simscan.



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