Did you run make cert ???

Tarique Saleh Mahmud wrote, On 2008-06-24 7:35 PM:
I am running Bill's Qmail Toaster 9.02 in debian Etch. I get following error
while trying to use pop3s: @400000004860fd0f09951254 tcpserver: ok 9366 0:
@400000004860fd0f09a6738c 2008.06.24 19:56:21 LOG5[9366:3083282112]: Using
'qmail-popup' as tcpwrapper service name
@400000004860fd0f09c6a5bc 2008.06.24 19:56:21 LOG5[9366:3083282112]: Could
not load DH parameters from /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
@400000004860fd0f09c6c114 2008.06.24 19:56:21 LOG4[9366:3083282112]:
Diffie-Hellman initialization failed
@400000004860fd0f09c94d6c 2008.06.24 19:56:21 LOG3[9366:3083282112]: Error
reading certificate file: /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
@400000004860fd0f09c9af14 2008.06.24 19:56:21 LOG3[9366:3083282112]:
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file: error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line

Please advise.



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