
depends on installed gl version.

In my version is possible to turn off gl for some host:

# rest

host 10.10.10.x is gl free because is not defined env variable GREYLIST

or i'm using mysql table relaytofrom to store gl requests:
describe relaytofrom;
| Field          | Type                  | Null | Key | Default
   | Extra          |
| id             | bigint(20)            | NO   | PRI | NULL
   | auto_increment |
| relay_ip       | char(16)              | YES  | MUL | NULL
   |                |
| mail_from      | varchar(255)          | YES  | MUL | NULL
   |                |
| rcpt_to        | varchar(255)          | YES  | MUL | NULL
   |                |
| block_expires  | datetime              | NO   |     | NULL
   |                |
| record_expires | datetime              | NO   |     | NULL
   |                |
| blocked_count  | bigint(20)            | NO   |     | 0
   |                |
| passed_count   | bigint(20)            | NO   |     | 0
   |                |
| aborted_count  | bigint(20)            | NO   |     | 0
   |                |
| origin_type    | enum('MANUAL','AUTO') | NO   |     | NULL
   |                |
| create_time    | datetime              | NO   |     | NULL
   |                |
| last_update    | timestamp             | NO   |     |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |                |

3 fields: mail_from, rcpt_to and relay_ip, so if i want whitelist
sender i put in table mail_from NULL, rcpt_to NULL and relay_ip sender
ip address (or network) and set
block_expires to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 and record_expires to 9999-12-31
23:59:59, ip sender (or network) is whitelisted, for blacklist swap
these values

2008/10/9 John Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Wow.... you lost me completely.  Can you explain a little more?
> Lampa wrote:
>> Hello,
>> try whitelist sender server (in tcprules - disable gl for host(s), in gl
>> table)
>> 2008/10/9 John Harmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Is there a way to have greylisting ignore all emails to a particular
>>> address
>>> on my server?  Often, when ordering stuff online I need to receive
>>> immediate
>>> information from the site.  Greylisting prevents that obviously, but I am
>>> a
>>> big fan of greylisting.  It cuts my spam drastically.  Is there a way I
>>> can
>>> add one or two email accounts to some list to tell greylisting to allow
>>> all
>>> emails through for that one particular address without ever blocking
>>> them?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> John


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