
My OS is debian/lenny/64bit
I'am trying to start spamassasin and clamav on my qmail toaster server. But.. if I enable spam and clam, no messages can be send. When I disable clam, the messages goes nice but, they are all empty, and the header of the message mark them that they are scanned. What is curiously enough all the time the score was the same 3.25 :> Anyway; when I turned it off, all messages works fine.

So, I suppose that could be a binary versions of appz problem. I have: simscan-1.4.0 Clamd 0.95 and spamd 3.2.5 I was installing simscan from: http://www2.inter7.com/?page=simscan, clamav and spamassasin from project's mainpages. Maby I need to make some patches or sth ? Maby other/older versions? What do u suggest guys? How to debug. What kind of information will be supportive?

Grzegorz Dajuk

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