I have some material already with me for this kind of a concept. Some one
interested may contact me on my personal mail ID

or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or my mobile - 9866158015.

Divya can fine tune this to better suitability.


On 8/11/08, ulprasanthi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Friends,
> As mentioned this concept is the brain child of Adi.
> In his own words......
> - Current Engineering curriculum standard, its applications is far
> from what IT industry is looking at
> - Almost premiere IT companies are spending more than 6 months to
> train the freshers on very much trivial things which they should have
> more than familiar with during graduation
> - Mid size and smaller IT companies are not able train these freshers
> are waiting till they become good or depend on fake resources rather
> than freshers
> - Here we come out with applying few changes in Curriculum by having
> Industry applied workshops in proportion to the academic subjects and
> followed by Industry led real time projects to brush up on Industry
> domain expertise along with technology
> - So we design workshops on engineering academics with industry
> expecations, groom students accordingnly by our mentors sitting with
> them in college
> - Then followed by a mini project covering all the workshops of
> particular semister guided experts from Industry and Mentors
> designated
> - Finally academic project led by Industry experts covering a popular
> reserach area, top industry technology, real time world problems
> - All the above is transperently monitored on FB's web portal for the
> world, students' projects, their performance, skill set and even
> students can blog about their learnings, ideas on FB webportal
> - FB partners with Industries to place these guys who have
> successfuly part of FB's life cycle
> that's very breifly about what we wanna do for Engg students through
> FB's concept. Wil explain the total roadmap of FB in next 2-3 years
> which is break even time for FB when we meet in Nellore.
> There are two ppts also. Will post them to our Files section.
> Thank you.

With warm regards,
Satyam Foundation

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