Michael Percy wrote:

> Thanks, Costin.
> You guys all make it sound like much less pain than I had previously
> thought. Maybe Tomcat could use a developer community site akin to what
> Mozilla has (www.mozillazine.org) -- people would probably be more willing
> to contribute if they felt invited. Also, maybe BugRat could use a
> user-friendly interface tweak or two? (And a visible link off the Tomcat
> Jakarta site!) I have some web design skills as well... I wonder if I could
> put them to some use?

Some work on the web site would definitely be appreciated.  Tomcat's "home page"
(http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat) is a little bit forlorn looking  And it
certainly not an area where anyone else is really focusing.  (Code contributions
are of course welcome as well.  And user docs ... and answering mailing list
questions ... oh yah, there's plenty to do :-)

I'd be very interested in seeing any ideas in this regard that you might want to
propose -- perhaps you could create some mockups for the code-oriented folks
like me :-) to get a feel for it.

On BugRat, I wouldn't suggest you focus there  -- unless NIck, who has
graciously agreed to host it for us, is ready to integrate any changes.  It's
really just a stop-gap solution until Scarab is completed (I've seen some of the
UI for this, and it's going to be MUCH better).  A hyperlink wouldn't hurt,

> Regards,
> Mike


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