>   Modified:    src/doc  Tag: tomcat_32 readme
>   Log:
>   Remove references to "Tomcat 3.3" and "Tomcat 3.4" since that code base is
>   now a "revolution", not the plan of record.


Supporting servlet2.3 is a revolution, but "performance enhancements" and 
"security" and "I18N" are normal developments for tomcat3 branch.

I don't remember any vote on changing the rules - the main branch is for
development, and enhancing performance and fixing are normal developments
of tomcat3.  

>    - Tomcat 3.2 is the first performance tune-up, and also adds a few new 
>    features (see next section).
>   -
>   -- It is expected that Tomcat 3.3 will feature additional major performance 
>   -improvements resulting from changes in data representation and algorithms.
>   -Version 3.3 will also undergo a major review of security  (to be able to 
>   -trust that "untrusted" code runs safely), and support for I18N character 
>   -sets.

-1 on removing that - tomcat3.3 still exists, and most of this already
happened or is happening. 

>   -It will also support version 2.3 of the Java Servlet specification.  
>   -(First-round support for version 2.3 for the servlet specification may be 
>   -included in version 3.3.)

That is ok to be removed, we agreed on that.


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