> Remy,
> I wondered about the impact of logging.
> I'm not personally interested in comparing 3.x and 4.x, just in getting a
> database on 4.0. I also wonder if such a comparison might ignore the
> feature differences noted in the rant postings last week.
> I am interested in what the thruput and response time numbers might mean
> to a user when the system is experiencing a certain load level and a
> certain mix of requests.
> If no comparison with TC3.x is to be made, then should the AccessLogValve
> be removed from the configuration? I think it might be good to leave it
> in to see what performance people get out of the box. If AccessLogValve
> is and continues to be a hog, then maybe it shouldn't be a default?

Unless we optimize it, I think it should be left out of the default

> BTW, what did you use to do the profiling? What did you see? I'm planning
> to use OptimizeIt4.0 when I can get it and get it to attach.

A quick run of hprof gave me enough data on what needs the most work.
The main conclusion is that the part of the code which needs the most work
is HttpProcessor.read. All the functions which make use ot it will probably
end up being rewritten too. That code is quite old anyway and it's a planned
rewrite (but always delayed because of more important issues).


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