Very wise decision.

And nothing forbids you of doing those revolutions in the future.

But at the moment, for me, my company and people/companies I know, the ONE
main priority is having a fast and robust Servlet Engine - with robust
being the priority.

Your focus on a modular architecture keeps all doors open for the
development of new features. IMO, a robust, fast enough and easily
extensible Servlet Engine would take the market.

We do NOT necessarily depend on a engine that is the "reference
implementation of..." and that has hundreds of features.

We depend on a engine we can use on production sites.

Have fun,

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 19:56
> Hi,
> After a lot of thinking, I decided to give up ( at least temporary ) my
> plans for a tomcat revolution. It was very tempting, but I don't think
> it's the right thing to do - evolution is still the best way to go :-)
> It is important that tomcat3 has a design that allows support for future
> versions of the servlet API, but if tomcat developers don't want to see it
> happen - so be it. When Servlet2.3 will be final and in wide use, there is
> nothing that can stop someone from providing the module that supports it (
> not necesarily from apache site ).
> But for now it's important to continue to improve the foundation.
> My focus will continue to be on Tomcat3.3, in fixing the encoding
> problems and on improving the performance. We are not yet the best
> servlet container - so there is still work to do.


> Costin

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