> Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > > <rant>
> > >   AAARRRGGGHHH I can't build Tomcat 4.0... Can we fix the build before
> > >   next milestone gets out? It's 3 hours that me and Fede are bashing
> > >   heads against it and.... GRRR :)
> > > </rant>
> >
> > Can you send the compilation errors you get ? Perhaps it's just yet
> > conditional compilation problem ...
> >
> There is still such a problem related to the Tyrex stuff.  You have to do
> "./build.sh" twice to get it to work.
> By the way, Remy, it appears you haven't updated the README.txt file in
> top-level source directory with respect to the optional Tyrex stuff ...
> than that, the README.txt looks like it is up to date.

Oh, ok. On my setup, I have it building correctly without Tyrex.
Actually, I didn't update README.txt about Tyrex, because I didn't intend to
require Tyrex. I have a conditional switch to prevent the file from being

However, if you have the JDBC 2 extensions installed (or JDBC 3), the
ResourceFactory file will be compiled. Since it uses the
TyrexDataSourceFactory, the compiler (or Ant) will also try to compile it,
despite the conditional compile switch for Tyrex :(
On the second run, since the compilation of ResourceFactory succeded in the
first run, it won't attempt to compile TyrexDataSourceFactory because of the
conditional switch.

What should we do ?


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