> 1)  Using EmbededTomcat seems to require using a security manager.  I
> haven't tracked down why, yet, I just added a security policy that opens
> everything up.
> 2)  The contexts' context manager wasn't being set.  I had to change the
> order in which things got created and add a call to
> context.setContextManager() in addContext().
> 3)  There was no way to mark contexts as not reloadable.

EmbededTomcat was created to embed tomcat in J2EE RI. I checked it in as
an example, for other people who want to embed tomcat in similar products,
and as a start for a more generic tool. 

It would be great if people who are actually using it could do a bit of
work on it to make it more reusable - I know it is a bit specific to the
requirements of j2ee, but I think that can be simplified.


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