Hi Larry,

> I'm in the process of porting the Tomcat 3.2 exception propagation
> changes to Tomcat 3.3 that were made to Handler.java,
> ServletWrapper.java, and RequestDispatcherImpl.java.  I was trying
> to review behavior as I do so to see what can be improved or cleaned
> up.

The only important change in 3.3 is the fact that most of the error
handling is now done in a module ( and can be replaced with a different
module without requiring a change in the core). 

My only wish is to have as much as possible in the module, and as little
as possible in the core ( that is good for a lot of reasons ) .

> One thing that looks like in can be removed is the synchronization
> found in ServletWrapper.doInit().  If you were to sync block here,
> it would mean that the preServletInit() interceptors had been
> called twice.  It looks like the "init" synchronization in
> Handler.service() should suffice.  Would you agree?


> I was going to port the default error response changes next.  Part of
> that involved adding an errorURI property to ResponseImpl.java.  It is
> used to carry the "error URI" from lower levels in case it is needed by
> the top level handler that outputs the default error response.  It there
> a better way to transport this "error URI" that setting it on the
> response? Would using a note be consistent with the design?

If this is a general property that will (or could) be used by other
modules, probably adding get/set is better.
If it is used just by few modules - probably making it a note is

I'm fine with any of those ( and we can change it later ).
> One more question, should ServletWrapper.init() be changed to call
> postServletInit() interceptors, even if doInit() throws an exception?
> If init() fails, I would think that the interceptors should be made aware
> of this fact.

I think postServletInit should be called - it is possible that an
interceptors creates some resources ( start a transaction ) in
preServletInit and it has to be able to release it. 

I haven't reviewed that code - I want to finish the Parameters and Headers
refactoring, and also improve/refactor MessageBytes - those are the last
big code changes, and after that I can try to work on the details of
startup/shutdown/class loaders/etc.

( BTW, you have my big +1 to change whatever you feel will improve the
code, and I would be very happy if you could take care and review all
error handling, and also for the initialization/shutdowns. I'll read all
commits and try to give as much feedback as possible )


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