> pier        00/12/06 03:21:14
> Modified:    connectors Makedefs.orig Makefile
>              connectors/apache-1.3 Makefile mod_webapp.c
>              connectors/webapplib Makefile wa.c wa.h wa_callback.c
>                       wa_callback.h wa_connection.c wa_connection.h
>                       wa_host.c wa_provider.c wa_provider.h
>                       wa_provider_info.c wa_provider_warp.c wa_request.c
>                       wa_request.h
> Log:
> Modified wa_request structure to store new request items.
> Modified how callbacks work from a WebAppLib perspective.
> Added a new callback (serverinfo).
> The wa_provider_info now dumps more interesting informations.
> Disabled warp since it makes the Apache process go around in loop. (Will fix)
> Modified how the library should be initialized.
> Fixed a couple of memory leaks (after 50.000 requests the process doesn't
> grow)
> Documented a couple of functions left undocumented.
> Added mapping on how servlet methods are reflected in the library.
> Added name and version.

I'm done with the final chunk of the WARP code (implementation of the
Catalina connector interface)... As soon as locus gets back to work, I'll
commit it... Now it's time for some sleep :(


Pier P. Fumagalli  Apache Software Foundation  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur,
adipisci velit...                             (Cicero: "De Finibus" 1.10.32)

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