
The only feedback on the more specific proposal was from Costin
relating to Tomcat 3.3. I'm not sure if I should interpret this
as an overall -1 for committing any of these changes to Tomcat
3.2M1.  I have no problem making these changes local to SAS
Institute's copy of Tomcat 3.2.

To better determine what I should or shouldn't commit to
Tomcat 3.2M1, please vote, if you wish, for what you would prefer
to be committed.  Since later '+' items depend on preceding
ones, "+<num>" will "+1" the items that precede it.

+1: (Implement 1,2 & 3 below) Upgrade Jasper to allow a web.xml
    servlet init parameter to enable compiling with debug info.
    Gives Jasper at least the ability to compile with debug

+2: (Implement 4 & 5 below) Add a "default JSP options" context
    attribute which in the absence of a servlet init parameter,
    could alter the built-in defaults for any boolean JSP options.
    This would allow a servlet to alter the defaults.

+3: (Implement 7, and part of 6 below) Add Context property that
    sets "default JSP options".  This allows the defaults
    to be set for each individual context in server.xml.

+4: (Implement more of 6 below) Add ContextManager property that
    sets "default JSP options".  This allows the defaults for
    all contexts to be set in server.xml where not overridden
    by context specific defaults.

+5: (Implement the rest of 6 below) Add a System property to
    supply "default JSP options".  This allows the defaults to
    be set for all contexts outside of server.xml where not
    overridden by ContextManager or Context.  Yes, this is clear
    overkill, but it helps a little in my situation. :-)

-1: (Implement none) Only bug fixes in Tomcat 3.2M1.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: A better proposal for compiling JSP's with debugging info


To add the ability to compile JSP's with debugging information and
achieve more flexible control of Jasper, I propose the following:

For Tomcat 3.2M1

1) Add a "debugInfo" property to Options.java and
   EmbeddedServletOptions.java.  The default value is false.

2) Update EmbeddedServletOptions.java to look for a "debuginfo" servlet
   init parameter to override the default.

3) Update the compiler handling to use the debugInfo property.

For more flexible control of Jasper options:

4) Define a JSP default options string which contains letters which
   associate with the following boolean options in Jasper.

     d = debugInfo
     k = keepGenerated
     l = largeFiles
     m = mappedFile
     s = sendErrorToClient

   If the option letter is preceded by a '+' the option is defaulted true.
   If preceded by a '-' the option is defaulted false.  If not preceded
   by '+' or '-', it is ignored.

5) Update EmbeddedServletOptions.java to look for a default JSP options
   string as a context attribute called "jasper.default.options", or
   maybe "jsp.default.options" (other suggestions?). If the string found,
   the indicated defaults would be set prior to checking for init parameters,

6) In Tomcat, add a jspDefaultOptions property to Context.java and

7) In Tomcat, update DefaultCMSetter.java to look for the jspDefaultOptions
   property on the context, then ContextManager, then a System property called
   "tomcat.jsp.default.options" (again, other suggestions?).  If found, it
   sets the context attribute used by Jasper.


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