Larry Isaacs wrote:

> In addition to specifying these JSP options, I'm looking for a way to
> alter the defaults that get used when these options aren't specified in
> server.xml.  My target is to be able run Tomcat in debugging and
> non-debugging situations using the same server.xml and without modifying
> server.xml to switch. Not having to ask the user to modify server.xml
> helps avoid a potential source of errors and avoids the need to document
> it for someone who might not be familiar with Tomcat.
> So far, my best guess is to support a JSP defaults string like that
> described in the earlier e-mail and obtain this string from a System
> property, or perhaps a command line argument.  My preference would be
> as a System property.

One thing you should keep in mind, on the general issue of debugging
information, is that there is a Java Specification Request (JSR-045) currently
under way which will standardize mechanisms for storing debugging information
for non-Java languages that are translated into Java source code -- JSPs being
an obvious example -- into the class files themselves.  Jasper in the 4.x tree
is going to track the results of that effort when they come out.

You can get more information about JSR-045 at the Java Community Process web
site <>.

> Cheers,
> Larry


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