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REPORT #591 Details.

Project: Tomcat
Category: Bug Report
SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug
State: received
Priority: low
Severity: non-critical
Confidence: public
   Release: 3.2
   JVM Release: 1.2.2
   Operating System: NT
   OS Release: 4.0
   Platform: Pentium

tomcat/doc/appdev/sample/build.bat error

tomcat/doc/appdev/sample/build.bat in the Tomcat 3.2 release contains an error.

The line:
set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar

should instead read:
set CP=%CP%;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar

Title: BugRat Report # 591

BugRat Report # 591

Project: Tomcat Release: 3.2
Category: Bug Report SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug State: received
Priority: low Severity: non-critical
Confidence: public

Submitter: Terry Traub ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Date Submitted: Dec 14 2000, 11:30:39 CST
Responsible: Z_Tomcat Alias ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

tomcat/doc/appdev/sample/build.bat error
Environment: (jvm, os, osrel, platform)
1.2.2, NT, 4.0, Pentium

Additional Environment Description:

Report Description:
tomcat/doc/appdev/sample/build.bat in the Tomcat 3.2 release contains an error. The line: set CP=%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar should instead read: set CP=%CP%;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\jaxp.jar;%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\parser.jar

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