> >> Way back to technic ;-)
> >
> >Great too see that.
> >
> May be the last time :-(

I hope not - it's great working with you :-)

> >- it's not a bad idea - as long as it's an option
> That's could be a secured ajp13 or ajp14 ?-)

AFAIK ajp13 can be extended in a backward-compatible
way ( or at least it should be ) by adding new packet

I wouldn't mind an ajp14, mod_jk is based on the idea
that there is no "perfect" protocol, but I would try
first to extend 13 ( I'm not even sure if this is
possible - if not then we need a 14). 
> I used such solutions with ssh tunnels (like CVS at
> apache.org) but I
> really like to have a built-in solution. I know also
> a little SSL since
> I produced sometimes ago the SSL Proxy jonama
> (http://www.multimania.com/jonama/),
> but SSL is just too slow at conect time and SSH is
> also a little too hard. 

I'll take a look.

> I was thinking a more simple algorithm, ie: DES with
> known keys.

AFAIK both SSL and SSH are using DES after the initial
connection is set up ( or IDEA, or other symatrical
alghoritm  - some faster than DES ).

Also ( based on 3-4 old memories ) you could extend
both protocols with other encryption alghoritms.

> >- BTW, SSH or SSL tunnels are very easy to set and
> available to most
> >people. 
> Yes but it is an out of the box solution. I really
> like having a integrated
> solution.

Having it "bundled" with tomcat is very hard -
encryption is allways a problem. 

> Easy under Redhat boxes, with some OpenSSL and
> OpenSSH RPM. 
> May be later I could send some doc about ? 

Check it in - as long as we are still commiters :-)


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