Marc Saegesser typed the following on 08:12 AM 1/5/2001 -0600
>I don't see the need for branch until Tomcat 4.0 Final is relased.  Until
>then, from a source control perspective, a beta release is no different than
>a milestone release. In short, what code would ever be checked into "main"
>that would not also belong on the branch?

I've got some code for persistent session management I would like to
have checked in somewhere, but will need looking at, testing, and
some extra work by more than just me before it's suitable for a beta. 
Do you think this should go into the beta? Or should I continue to work
on it in isolation while the beta gets sorted out? 

A 4.1 branch or repository is clearer for me in my current situation. I'm
currently waiting for a resolution so I can submit what I've got.


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