James Duncan Davidson wrote:
> On 1/3/01 10:24 PM, "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why are we using JAXP and ProjectX which are both Closed Source and
> > proprietary
> Then why are you using Java which is composed of code most of which isn't
> under a free license 

 There are non-Sun implementations of Java, some of which are
Free or Open. (I kinda suspect you knew that :-)

 The JAXP license is a legitimate pain-in-the-a** for those
of us without special dispensations (which evidently includes
projects that would like to reuse bits of Tomcat code, but

 Or are you saying that it's ok to, for example: take some of
the Tomcat web.xml/servlet.xml loader code, and reuse it in
a non-Apache product that does a fancy GUI interface? The Apache
license allows (encourages!) this, but the JAXP license does
not, right?


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