"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> > In order to make it easier to integrate the SecurityManager into Jasper
> > for Tomcat 4 and to change some of Japsers annoying behaviours, I have
> > been working on switching Jasper over to the URLClassLoader.
> >
> > I have the class loading changes in place and Jasper passes all watchdog
> > tests.  I wanted to run these changes past everyone before I finish
> > cleaning up the changes and committing it.  (I still have some work to
> > do on JspC and still need to add support for the SecurityManager.)
> >
> > Jasper now creates a URLClassLoader for each JSP page and defers any other
> > class loading to the web app context class loader.  Using a single class
> > loader per JSP allowed me to remove all the code that increments the
> > class version number, i.e. the work directory no longer has multiple
> > *.java and *.class files for the same JSP page.  These changes also made
> > it easy for me to put the java source and class files in the same directory
> > tree as found in the web app context.  When Jasper is run in a servlet
> > container it no longer puts the class files in a package, they are now
> > in the default package.
> >
> I'm a little uncomfortable with making Jasper's servlets not belong to a package
> any longer.  My issue relates to developers who (mistakenly) try to reference
> beans in <jsp:useBean> that are not in any package -- currently, that does not
> work in Tomcat, or in any other container that uses an implicit package.  But,
> with this change, such an incorrect bean usage would work in Tomcat, but would
> cause portability problems for apps that depend on that behavior.
> I'd much rather see the generated servlets that Jasper creates continue to be
> placed in a package, to protect developers from themselves on this issue.

The class name used is the mangled jsp file name with the .jsp replaced with _jsp.
For /examples/jsp/date/date.jsp the class name would be "date_jsp.class" located
in "${tomcat.home}/work/localhost/examples/jsp/date/".
The URLClassLoader for the JSP page will only load the class "date_jsp" or inner
classes like "date_jsp$SomeClass".  All other classes will be delegated to the
parent web app context class loader.

>From looking at the current JasperLoader, they behave the same way.

If jsp:useBean requires that a Bean class exist in a package it should handle
that.  (I haven't found that in the JSP1.1 spec yet)



Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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