
I just tried to apply your fixes, and I'm totally failing -- the local diff
command isn't recognizing the files as being at all similar (despite the
fact that they look similar on visual inspection).

I have a *very* strong suspicion that this has to do with line-ending
characters.  It looks like you are using a non-Unix system, which I am going
to guess has a different convention for line-endings.  The cvs client will
magically fix this when you check files out and check them in (i.e. it
translates non-Unix to Unix conventions transparently).  So a 'cvs diff -u'
should probably work, but, when you email me your checked out copy, it's got
non-Unix line endings, so when I try to diff it against the copy I've
checked out on my Linux box, diff thinks that every line is different.

Short version: can you email me patches generated from 'cvs diff -u'?  I'm
fairly certain I can get those to work. 


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike Anderson wrote:
> Attached are some patched files and a diff file for NetWare.  These have been diffed 
>against the latest version in the jakarta-tomcat tree.  The jk_util.c and 
>jk_nsapi_plugin.c are the same fixes that have been put into the tomcat-32 branch and 
>I will submit the ApacheConf.java to the tomcat-32 branch as well.
> diff.txt - diffs of the files
> jk_util.c - Fixes a problem when shutting down the webserver on NetWare.  The exit 
>thread only has a 16k stack so we dynamically allocate the log buffer so that we 
>don't blow the stack.
> jk_nsapi_plugin.c - Fixes a problem with the netbuf_getbytes function not being 
>available on NetWare 5.x.
> ApacheConfig.java - Updated to write a correct mod_jk.conf-auto for NetWare.
> Thanks
> Mike Anderson
> Senior Software Engineer
> Platform Services Group
> Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net services software
> www.novell.com
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    diff.txtName: diff.txt
>            Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>                 Name: jk_util.c
>    jk_util.c    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>             Encoding: base64
>                         Name: jk_nsapi_plugin.c
>    jk_nsapi_plugin.c    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                     Encoding: base64
>                         Name: ApacheConfig.java
>    ApacheConfig.java    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                     Encoding: base64
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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