*** shadow/89   Sun Feb  4 11:01:02 2001
--- shadow/89.tmp.2715  Sun Feb  4 11:01:02 2001
*** 0 ****
--- 1,151 ----
+ +============================================================================+
+ | URLs changed by mod_rewrite are not taken into account by AjpConnectionHan |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |        Bug #: 89                          Product: Tomcat 3                |
+ |       Status: UNCONFIRMED                 Version: 3.1 Final               |
+ |   Resolution:                            Platform: All                     |
+ |     Severity: Normal                   OS/Version: All                     |
+ |     Priority: High                      Component: Connectors              |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             |
+ |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                |
+ |      CC list: Cc:                                                          |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ |          URL:                                                              |
+ +============================================================================+
+ |                              DESCRIPTION                                   |
+ Using apache1.3.12, tomcat3.1
+ mod_jserv + Tomcat do not deal properly with rewritten URIs. 
+ With this mount point:
+       ApJServMount /wdlcontext  ajpv12://localhost:8008/wdlcontext1.4.0
+ this request:
+       /wdlcontext/wdlInstall?blabla
+ will fail because tomcat will only use the original URI passed by mod_jserv
+ instead of using the context set by mod_jserv. 
+ This is very problematic when using mod_rewrite.
+ A patch-candidate for is at the end. 
+ Could somebody please review it?
+ thanks.
+ jpa
+ ==== debug message before the fix ===========
+ ==> /local/jakarta-tomcat/logs/tomcat.log <==
+ AJP: CP=wdlcontext1.4.0
+ AJP: context=null
+ AJP: servlet=wdlInstall
+ AJP:
+ AJP: PI=null
+ AJP: PT=null
+ AJP: QS=null
+ AJP: RA=
+ AJP: RH=
+ AJP: RU=null
+ AJP: AT=null
+ AJP: Meth=GET
+ AJP: URI: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall CP:wdlcontext1.4.0 LP: null
+ AJP: URI: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall CP:wdlcontext1.4.0 LP: null
+ AJP: serverName=jabgrall2
+ AJP: Server jvmRoute=null
+ Request: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall
+ Query: null
+ ProcessRequest: R( /wdlcontext/wdlInstall)
+ ==== debug message after the fix ============
+ ==> /local/jakarta-tomcat/logs/tomcat.log <==
+ AJP: CP=wdlcontext1.4.0
+ AJP: context=Ctx(/wdlcontext1.4.0,/local/ebetween/contexts/wdlcontext1.4.0)
+ AJP: servlet=wdlInstall
+ AJP:
+ AJP: PI=null
+ AJP: PT=null
+ AJP: QS=null
+ AJP: RA=
+ AJP: RH=
+ AJP: RU=null
+ AJP: AT=null
+ AJP: Meth=GET
+ AJP: URI: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall CP:wdlcontext1.4.0 LP: null
+ AJP: URI: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall CP:wdlcontext1.4.0 LP: /wdlInstall
+ AJP: serverName=jabgrall2
+ AJP: Server jvmRoute=null
+ Request: /wdlcontext/wdlInstall
+ Query: null
+ ProcessRequest: R( /wdlcontext1.4.0 + /wdlInstall)
+ After processing: R( /wdlcontext1.4.0 + /wdlInstall + null)
+ ======== PATCH FOR AJPV12 context lookup fix =========
+ --- Thu Apr  6 19:11:36 2000
+ +++     Sat Aug 12 22:30:36 2000
+ @@ -224,6 +224,16 @@
+                     if( contextPath!= null )
+                         context=contextM.getContext( contextPath );
+ +                   /* 
+ +                    * XXX jpa:200008122227
+ +                    * With this mount:
+ +                    *    ApJServMount /wdlcontext1.4.0
+ ajpv12://localhost:8008/wdlcontext1.4.0
+ +                    * mod_jserv will return 'wdlcontext1.4.0' as the
+ mountpoint (=context)
+ +                    *  instead of '/wdlcontext1.4.0'
+ +                    * So let's try to fix it by adding the 
+ +                    */
+ +                   if( context == null )
+ +                       context=contextM.getContext( "/" + contextPath ); 
+                     if( doLog ) log("AJP: context=" + context );
+                     servletName = ajpin.readString(null);         //Servlet
+ @@ -264,10 +274,25 @@
+                     requestURI = ajpin.readString("");             //request
+ uri
+                     if( doLog ) log("AJP: URI: " + requestURI + " CP:" +
+ contextPath + " LP: " + lookupPath);
+ -                   // XXX don't set lookup path - problems with URL
+ rewriting.
+ -                   // need to be fixed.
+ -                   //          if(contextPath!=null && contextPath.length()
+ >0 )
+ -                   //              lookupPath=requestURI.substring(
+ contextPath.length() + 1 );
+ +                   /* 
+ +                    * XXX jpa:200008122227
+ +                    * With this rewrite rule: 
+ +                    *  RewriteRule ^(.*)/wdlzone/wdlInstall
+ $1/wdlcontext1.4.0/wdlInstall [PT]
+ +                    * and this mount point:
+ +                    *  ApJServMount /wdlcontext1.4.0
+ ajpv12://localhost:8008/wdlcontext1.4.0
+ +                    * and this context
+ +                    *    <Context path = "/wdlcontext1.4.0" docBase = "....
+ +                    * and this request
+ +                    *    /wdlzone/wdlInstall?blabla
+ +                    * The contextPath (after the above '/' fixup) is
+ '/wdlcontext1.4.0'
+ +                    *  and the uri is '/wdlzone/wdlInstall' 
+ +                    * the servlet name is 'wdlInstall'
+ +                    * So the lookupPath is is based on the position of the
+ servlet name.
+ +                    * Prior to the following fix, zones and contexts in
+ mounting points were
+ +                    *  irrelevant. Only the original uri was then used by
+ tomcat.
+ +                    */
+ +                   if(contextPath!=null && contextPath.length() >0 )
+ +                       lookupPath=requestURI.substring(
+ requestURI.indexOf(servletName)-1 );
+                     if( doLog ) log("AJP: URI: " + requestURI + " CP:" +
+ contextPath + " LP: " + lookupPath);
+                     dummy = ajpin.readString(null);
+ //script filename
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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