I just committed the changes to implement a DefaultContext element
which can be nested within an Engine or Host config.  This was 
something I really needed to simplify the amount of work it takes 
to maintain a Tomcat 4 server.xml config when supporting multiple 
virtual hosts.  The biggest reason was the need to configure a
default JNDI JDBC DataSource for any web applications deployed within
a virtual host.

It seems to be working.  Let me know if you see any problems with how
I implemented this.



Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> >
> > Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> >
> > > >From looking at the source it appears that a Context Lifecycle Listener
> > > can only be configured for a web app Context explicitely in server.xml.
> > > This doesn't work well when a context is automatically deployed without
> > > being configured in server.xml.  Would it be possible to add the ability
> > > to configure a default web app context Listener at the Engine and Host
> > > level that is triggered for all web app contexts if configured at the
> > > Engine scope, or for all web app contexts for a host if configured at
> > > the Host scope?
> > >
> >
> > A generalization of this concept might be a "default" configuration for an
> > automatically deployed Context within a particular Host or Engine, so that
> > you could customize things besides context listeners.
> >
> > This would be especially valuable if you utilize the automatic "User Web
> > Applications" support so that URLs like:
> >
> >     http://localhost:8080/~craigmcc/
> >
> > resolve to my public_html directory.  See the "Special Features" section of
> > the following page from the Catalina configuration docs for more info:
> >
> > http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/catalina/docs/config/host.html
> >
> > Does it make sense to think a little more broadly here?
> >
> I totally agree.  Being able to setup a default configuration for Hosts or
> Webapps
> would be very valuable.  Inheritance would also be nice.  This might also work
> to solve the issue I raised earlier about configuring JNDI resources at the
> Engine or Host level that get inherited by a web app context.
> The virtual host support for configuring multiple hosts, app base location,
> and logging is great.  But what has been lacking is the above mechanism
> for setting default configurations.  This is especially important if
> you are deploying Tomcat 4 for dozens, perhaps 100's of virtual hosts.
> Managing the server.xml config would quickly become a huge headache unless
> you had a way to setup defaults for a context including things like JNDI
> resources and data sources.
> I really need the above feature and am willing to help make it happen.
> Regards,
> Glenn
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> Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
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Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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