Marcus Crafter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been trying to build the service code from the Tomcat 4.0b1 source base
> under my Linux system. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the
> systeminfo.h (and underlying sysinfo system call) header file.
> systeminfo.h does not exist under Linux (at least on my system, it's
> sysinfo.h), and the sysinfo system call made (jsvc_unix.c, line 158) also
> doesn't exist. :-( There is a sysinfo system call, but it returns a struct
> containing system details like uptime, load, etc.
> sysinfo() is used in jsvc_unix.c to obtain the architecture, which is used to
> build up a string locating Looks like under linux we'll have to do
> this another way, unless I've overlooked/missed something ?
> I've searched the man pages to find an equivalent system call. The best I
> could
> find was uname() in utsname.h which returns a struct including the
> architecture
> type, however it returns too specific information (ie. i686 where i386 is
> needed for our purposes).
> Any ideas, suggestions for a solution ?
> How should we manage platform dependancies/differences like this ? (configure
> script? etc)

The problem lies in the fact that I'm developing the native components under
Solaris, and up to this point, I've never tried a port to Linux or other
OSes (my next attempt is a build on MacOS/X, and then Yellow Dog Linux for
PPC - Can you tell I work on Macintoshes now?).

I'm kinda biased towards not using autoconf/automake (mainly because I don't
know them), but they worked well in JServ (yes Jon, you convinced me!). If
someone with more experience could come up with something along those lines,
I'll be happy to include it, otherwise we might just use a nasty BASH
script, we don't have to filter out _that_ many calls outside the ANSI C


Pier Fumagalli  <>  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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