I'm having trouble accessing Bugzilla, so for give the post if this is a known bug.
Problem: If an error occurs within an included JSP page, tomcat infinitely recurses on the included page, ultimately causing the JVM to puke with a stack overflow.  This is definitely a problem in tomcat 3.2; I haven't tried this in tomcat 3.2.1.  Haven't tested with plain servlets, but looking at the code, I'd guess that the problem exists for servlets as well.
Proposed Fix: The problem occurs because of the request-scope attributes (javax.servlet.request_uri, etc.) that are set during an include interfere with the correct processing of PageContextImpl.handlePageException.  The forward (and probably forwardNamed) implementation in org.apache.tomcat.core.RequestDispatcherImpl needs to be altered so that it removes the request-scope include attributes for the duration of the forward (in the same way that the include implementations work).
Again, since I cannot get to Bugzilla, is this a known problem?  If not, I'd be happy to put the fix in as soon as I can set myself up as a contributor...
Thanks, all.

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