Probably partially resolved by the patch I forward previously.
>From M. Frey....

La prise de conscience de votre propre ignorance est un grand pas vers la
-- Benjamin Disraeli

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Amrhein, Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:59 PM
>Subject: [Security Issue] Sessions are visible across multiple clients
>Hi all,
>one session can be visible on multiple clients!!
>Someone opens his webbrowser and has the session of somebody else.
>So critical data could be viewed without permission.
>Somebody can act as somebody else.
>What's wrong with tomcat's session-handling?
>I wrote a web application which can reproduce this.
>I'm working with Tomcat 3.3m1 on WinNT4. 
>On 3.2 I have the same problems sometimes with our application
>but it is not reproducable there.
>To reproduce this:
>- put sessiontest.war in %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/
>- start Tomcat
>- open browser1 (Netscape 4.7 or IE5) on machine1 (close it 
>before if it's
>already open)
>- locate browser1 on http://yourtomcat/sessiontest/index.jsp 
>(a cookie will
>be set)
>- browser1: login with name for example 'Testuser1'
>- browser1: show settings (The name is displayed)
>- open browser2 on machine2 (close it before if it's already open)
>- locate browser2 on http://yourtomcat/sessiontest/index.jsp 
>(a cookie will
>be set)
>Browser2 now sees the same content like browser1 (logged in as 
>Look for the sourcecode in the .war. All objects are session-bound.
>Normally you should not be logged in.
>Remember that you are on different machines! They should have different
>cookies, different
>sessions, different usernames.
>Sometimes but not often, they have the same Session-ID (I can 
>not reproduce
>Bug #723: sessions are not properly recycled
>Perhaps my issue belongs to this.
>I've seen different bugs reported but not solved belonging to
>Can somebody reproduce this behaviour somewhere else?
>And can this behaviour also happen in Tomcat 3.2/3.2.1 (I 
>don't know the
>PS: I'm new to tomcat-dev-mailinglist (two or three hours) to 
>stay tuned.
>Perhaps it's already discussed and patched. Please inform me.

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