> I consider this a bug.  Tomcat should not be removing contexts that have
> been expanded out into a directory in webapps.
> If unpackWARs="false", then nothing is expanded out into webapss, the war
> file is expanded out as needed into the work dir, correct?

The JARs are indeed expanded as a temporary fix for Jasper. There is hope
that we can perhaps use a tweaked version of javac which would load classes
from a classloader (in which case no expanding is needed).

> But if unpackWARs="true", what should the behaviour be in the following
> A war file exits, but no directory exists matching war file prefix.
> -> create directory name matching war file prefix and expand war file.
> A war file exists, and a corresponding directory exists.  The war file
> mod time is older than directory. -> Don't expand war file.

That's what is done right now, except that the deployed (read : expanded)
WAR is undeployed when you shut down Catalina.

> A war file exists, and a corresponding directory exists. The war file last
> mod time is newer than the directory. ->  ???  You have one of two cases,
> a completely different web app exists in a directory with the same name as
> a new war file, or an updated war file for was installed and the directory
> is for the previously expanded version.  What now?
> And when tomcat is shutdown it should not remove any unpacked war files,
> this can significantly increase the time it takes tomcat to

It will only remove files if it did actually deploy the corresponding WAR.


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