On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Dan Milstein wrote:

> Sounds good -- I looked through the archives and found the messages which I
> had missed.  Thanks for clearing that up -- I'll happily convert to +0 (I
> still don't feel like I've seen enough of her changes myself to vote +1, but
> it looks like plenty of other people have, which is great).


> Going ahead, it would be good for folks working at Sun to be careful about
> passing bug fixes among each other rather than on the list (I realize you
> say that below, but I do want to emphasize it).  Speaking as a volunteer,
> it's very important that I feel that I am fully involved in the process
> (i.e. that the volunteers are in no way second-class citizens).

I agree with you totally.  Since several of the folks involved (Pier,
Remy, Justyna, and Amy) work for me, we're very conscious of this issue,
and emphasize communicating through the public lists on issues related to
features and bug fixes.  We do have internal-to-Sun meetings on a weekly
basis, but they have more to do with Sun's own uses of Tomcat and related
technologies (such as the fact that Tomcat 4.0-beta-1 is inside the J2EE
1.3 beta that was recently released) than anything else.

> I'm sorry if I'm belaboring this -- I don't think this instance is a
> particularly big deal, but I do think it's an important area to be careful
> about.

I'm happy to see you taking your responsibilities seriously.

Actually, I have a lot of empathy with where you're coming from.  Prior
to joining Sun (almost exactly a year ago), I was active in the Apache
JServ project, at the time when the contribution of Tomcat to the Apache
Software Foundation was first announced.  One of the things that
attracted me to Sun (and in turn made me attractive to the company) was
the opportunity to ensure that we played by the rules of the Apache
community.  I'm happy to say that Sun has been *very* receptive to that
message, as have the individuals involved in the various open source

> -Dan


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