"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> There have been a large number of feature additions and bug fixes to the
> Tomcat 4.0 code base since Tomcat 4.0-beta-1 was published in
> January.  This includes implementation of some changes to the servlet API
> that have been approved by the JSR-053 expert group, and a fix for a cross
> site JavaScript vulnerability that was reported over the weekend.

More items for the B2 changes document:

Implemented the Java SecurityManager.

Added the <DefaultContext .. /> element for configuration of defaults
for a Context which can be used in either the Engine or Host scope.

Switched Jasper over to using the URLClassLoader, put JSP java source
code and compiled class files in a directory hierarchy and simplified
the class and file naming.  This improved Jasper compilation performance
by 33% and runtime performance by 25%.

> I propose that we cut a Tomcat 4.0-Beta-2 release that reflects these
> changes and improvements.  The proposed schedule:
> * Release manager:  Craig McClanahan
> * Code freeze in the "jakarta-tomcat-4.0" repository, except for approved
>   but fixes, through Thursday (March 22, 2001).
> * Tag and release 4.0-beta-2 on Thursday night.
> * Open repository for further enhancements on Friday.
> Before voting, you might want to see my subsequent message on overall
> Tomcat 4.0 planning and strategy.
> ----- Clip and Return This Portion -----
>     +1  [ ]   I support the proposed release, and will work to support it
>     +0  [ ]   I support the proposed release, but cannot work on it
>               at this time
>     -0  [ ]   I do not support the proposed release, but do not have an
>               alternative to propose
>     -1  [ ]   I do not support the proposed release, for reasons specified
>               below.
> Craig McClanahan (who votes +1)

-1  This is pretty short notice to release Beta 2.  I haven't had a chance
yet to test the new mod_webapp code.  I also would like to get my proposed
changes to how Tomcat unpacks web apps and the manager servlet done, I consider
some of this to be a bug fix. I should have these changes done in 2-4 days.
I would suggest waiting until the 27-30'th, get it out before ApacheCon.



Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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