On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:

> StringManager's getString() currently deals with the
> MissingResourceException by simply returning a String
> consisting of a warning message about not being able
> to find the particular key.  I don't think that is
> correct behavior.  I think it should throw the
> MissingResourceException or return null and that
> calling code should deal with it.  Otherwise the

Ignoring exceptions is bad. Having to handle exceptions
for trivial cases is bad too.

My feeling is that this is not the biggest priority,
but you are right - StringManager and the whole resource
handling needs a refactoring. Go for it, if you want
to do it - I'll do whatever I can to help.

( I think thread pools or jasper or the admin are in a much
 bigger need for fixes and cleanup )

I am hoping the "commons" will ease our work - this is 
one of the things that are used in all jakarta projects,
and it would be a good thing to share it ( in which case
refactoring it and merging with the best out of what other 
projects are doing  is worth the effort ) 


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