On Sat, 31 Mar 2001, Pae Choi wrote:

> My THANKS to Craig and all other participants, including the contributers
> for this milestone to happen. I am not quite ready to move on, but I will
> be very *glad* to play with this once I am avaialbe to do so.

You're welcome - it's always been a pleasure to work on Tomcat, and to see
how many ways people find to use it.

> Craig, do you have any documentation plan for the installation and
> configuration as well? If so, would you share with us?

For configuration information (primarily details about the server.xml
file), check the "Tomcat Documentation Bundle" at


and review the "Server Configuration" information.  It is about 90%
complete, and covers the details of the many configuration elements that
you can include.

What is definitely needed is a more "User's Guide" approach to
configuration, in addition to the reference material that is already
present.  While most folks involved in Tomcat like writing code better
than they do documentation :-), anyone interested in writing good docs is
very welcome to help.

> Best regards,
> Pae

Craig McClanahan

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