This may be a bit obscure, but I'm trying to get Tomcat to respond to a 
request that arrives with an encoded URL in the form [URL]%3F[Parameters]. 
It looks like "http://myhost:myport/mycontext/servlet/myservlet%3Fx=y" If I 
do the equivalent with an Apache http server (for verifying that I'm trying 
the right thing), I get the error message indicating that Apache was 
looking for the correct URL followed by a question mark and the name-value 
pairs of the parameter list. In Tomcat, however, the %3F does not get 
replaced and the error message indicates that Tomcat is looking for a 
servlet class called "myservlet%3Fx=y" which does not exist on my system.

It looks like somebody must have attempted to fix this since the b3 version 
does a correct replacement if the %3F shows up right behind the end of the 
context (/mycontext/servlet%3F). I would volunteer to attempt a fix, if 
someone could point me to the right files - I looked at StandardWrapper and 
StandardClassLoader, and I can get the class loaded by cutting the name 
before the %, but then I lose the parameter list.

Any hints?


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