
I'm finding that when I try and append extra "path" info to my jsp's like
I have in the past my servlets, I get back a page not found.

Ok, I can sort of understand that- it's not a real page.. but...
If I have a url that's like this:

and I make a request like this:

It gives me back a 404... this isn't the case with servlets.
I can do:

as the real servlet and:
works just find.

eh? Is this supposed to not work with jsp's?  Or have I found a bug I can

For what it's worth, I hacked up ContextManager.java and added this at the
top of processRequest() to get it to at least find my url.

    String r = req.getRequestURI();
    int x = 0;
    if ((x = r.indexOf(".jsp/")) > 0) {
        String pathinfo = r.substring(x + 4);
        String without_path = r.substring(0, x + 4);
Granted the req.getPathInfo() still returns null when I try and use it
in my jsp's later on, but at least it can find my pages now...

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Am I out of my mind?



"Christmas means carnage!"  -- Ferdinand, the duck

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