>so, i'm looking at decoupling the Ajp13 java stuff from servlet
>container code. 
>some background... in tomcat 3, the ajp code takes a core 
>tomcat Request
>object and adds decoded information from the ajp request into the
>Request object.  when i ported this code from tomcat 3 to tomcat 4, i
>used an object that extended a core tomcat 4 class, HttpBaseRequest.
>the dilemma is what to pass to the ajp code that accepts 
>requests in the
>new world where this code could be used by any servlet container.  the
>choices as i see them are:

A study of common interface to this specialized ORB/HTTP
could be conducted now. Tomcat has no more than 3 differents
implementations (3.2/3.3/4.0)...

It will be profitable to all tomcat community to have people
from differents teams 3.2/3.3/4.0 speak of this subject...
>anyway, i'm not really sure what the best approach is -- 
>that's why it's
>a dilemma :) -- so, i'm looking for opinions, suggestions, etc. here.

The best solution will came from discussion in tomcat-dev.
And if there is no discussion here, I suggest you ask the question
to others communities, for example the one from jetty.org

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