On Tue, 15 May 2001, Marc Saegesser wrote:

> I went to update the Jakarta Tomcat home page to include a description of
> the  various releases (3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 4.0) and discovered that
> the Tomcat page is kind of whacked.  It looks like the stuff that's
> currently checked out under /www/jakarta.apache.org/tomcat is actually from
> the jakarta-site-old repository.  The repository indicated in the CVS
> directory is actually jakarta-site, but that repository has been changed
> into a link to jakarta-site2.
> I propose that we create a new repository, jakarta-tomcat-site, that follows
> the jakarta-site2 format.  This repository would be the central location for
> posting news and information for all the Tomcat development efforts that are
> currently spread across four source repositories (jakarta-tomcat,
> jakarta-tomcat-4.0, jakarta-tomcat-connectors and jakarta-tomcat-jasper).
> The existing tomcat site is trivial; there is only a single page.  I don't
> have the karma to create the new repository, but once created I will
> populate it with everything required to build the site to make it look like
> it does now and update jakarta-apache.org to point to the new site.
> Developers working on the other Tomcat sub projects could then update the
> site as they see fit.
> All existing tomcat committers would have commit rights to the new
> repository.



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