on 5/16/01 7:06 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 16 May 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:
>> on 5/16/01 4:02 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Yet another template generation language ??? #foreach ???
>> Costin, what rock have you been sleeping under for the last 5 years?
>> Velocity is simply a cleaner implementation of WebMacro. It isn't "YATGL".
> Sorry, from that example I didn't realized it's a webmacro ( there are not
> too many languages to use "#" this way ) - and to be honest it's not on
> the list of languages I use.

Once again...sleeping under a rock.

> if you are talking about allowing only a
> restricted set of tags and not allowing java code in the page - that can
> be done ( and it's not even difficult ).

Right now? Today? Show me how you are going to implement that and not break
the specification or all of the examples.

> Oh, yea, I forgot - you are smarter than W3C and everyone else :-)

Did I say that? I don't think so. However, I am going to state that XSLT in
its current form is "lacking" in many ways.

> XSLT is not perfect - neither is HTTP or HTML or any other standard. But
> because Apache and many other organizations are implementing and using it
> - I think they'll be around for a while :-)
> Costin

Luckily Velocity also comes from the Apache Software Foundation so it will
be around for a while as well.


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