Here's what it seems they did with the exploit... Rerolling the binaries
*balls of Tomcat putting a new index.htm...

I'm downloading the supposedly wrong binary as we speak, but it's kinda slow
from my 56kbps connection...

Fuck shit...


------ Forwarded Message
From: "casper"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "casper"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 14:07:14 +0800
To: "webmaster @ jakarta . apache . org" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: question


  I download tomcat3.2.1 version software but when i to set my file in the
\webapps .I find one file and file name is index.htm and this file is from
i send this file to you,pls to check your server is okay and i have check my
server is no any hacker.
I download file date is 2001/05/23.
If it's right pls send mail to me.


< ? ? ? ?·? ? ? ? >

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align="center"><font size=7 color=red>fuck USA Government</font><tr><td><p 
align="center"><font size=7 color=red>fuck PoizonBOx<tr><td><p align="center"><font 
size=4 color=red>contact:[EMAIL PROTECTED]</html>

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