
First off, it looks like you've done some very, very helpful work.  A few

1) For info about how to contribute code, processes, etc, look at:


And, specifically, about the format for proposed code changes (i.e. patches
instead of full files):


2) You might take a look at 3.2.2 -- it has a lot of bugfixes, and should be
released live very soon.  I don't know if any work was done on this
particular issue, but it would be worth a quick check.  Info about how to
obtain 3.2.2 can be found on the site.

Thanks again,

Hector Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi all,
> After performing stress testing on Tomcat 3.2.1 running on Linux, I found
> that performance would always decrease over time until the server stopped
> responding completely. I was accessing tomcat as an stand alone server on
> port 8080 and requesting a servlet that returned a null body (null servlet),
> tomcat was running on IBM 1.3 JVM, using native threads. The clients where
> three machines each running 20 threads requesting the null servlet.
> Initially tomcat would handle about 400 requests/sec, but after about 20
> minutes requests per second would be down to about 20, and thereafter tomcat
> would completely stop.
> After looking at the code, I found out that all the threads in the thread
> pool of tcp connections were busy and none would become idle. The attached
> TcpWorkerThreads would not return from processing the request, I don't
> really know why. I modified ThreadPool.java to perform two sanity checks on
> the pool:
> 1. If a thread has been processing a request for too long (as specified in a
> parameter) the thread is stoped.
> 2. After a thread has already processed X requests or more (X
> TcpWorkerThreads have been attached), it is terminated and a new thread is
> created.
> The checks are performed by the Monitor thread, when it calls
> checkSpareControllers.
> After implementing these changes I ran the stress tests again with very good
> results: performance remains at around 400 requests/sec indefinetly.
> The safety checks can be completely disabled through configuration
> parameters if desired.
> As I am new to this list, I am not sure what the procedure to review and
> possibly incorporate my changes into the code are. I modified three files:
> org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool, org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPoolRunnable
> and org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpEndPoint.java. I am attaching the
> modified files. There is a lot of debugging info in those, I could clean
> them up if you decide that it is worth including the changes in the main
> branch of Tomcat.
> Regards
> Hector Gonzalez
> QuestionExchange - http://www.questionexchange.com
> Voice: (617)451-1527 Fax: (617)451-1487
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Name: ThreadPool.java
>    ThreadPool.java    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                   Encoding: quoted-printable
>                               Name: ThreadPoolRunnable.java
>    ThreadPoolRunnable.java    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                           Encoding: quoted-printable
>                            Name: PoolTcpEndpoint.java
>    PoolTcpEndpoint.java    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                        Encoding: quoted-printable


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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