I can modify it. It is not dificult.
But the main idea was not to run it for every page but to run it only once,
when the page is been loaded to be compiled. That way it would save
proccessing time. To put it as a tag library was an idea that came later so
everyone could use it. (inside the cache tag is more powerfull).
Anyway, it can run stand alone.



----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: tomcat-dev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: jsp compacter to be released

A better way to write this would be as a Servlet API 2.3 filter (assuming
they can work on an output stream...i forget...).


on 5/25/01 9:25 PM, "Carlos Gaston Alvarez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
>   I have the jsp compacter running and now I am doing the documentation.
>   It is a reader that compact the jsps. It can also compact html.
>   It works by taking out the blank spaces of html and javascript. So a jsp
> like this
> <html>
>  <body>
>      <!-- comment -->
>      <script language="javascript">
>             <!--
>              alert( "<%= message %>" );
>              -->
>       </script>
>      <!-- result = <%= result %> -->
>  </body>
> </html>
> will become something like:
> <html><body><script language="javascript">
> <!--
> alert( "<%= message %>" );
> -->
> </script><!-- result = <%= result %> --></body></html>
> My stimates is that it 'compacts' about a 10% ratio.
> My original idea was to integrate it with tomcat so at load time of the
> file it compacts it so the source code is generated over 'compacted' code.
> will do it, but it will take me some time. I have a plan of action.
> 1 - release it as stand alone aplication.
> 2 - release it as tag library.
> 3 - integrate it with jasper.
> 4 -  żżinclude another language??
> Step one is done.
> Step two needs the tag code to be optimized (for not creating so many
> objects).
> Step three ... well I will need some guidance. Anyway, you should be
> And of course, it should have configuration so you can turn it on only if
> you want to and in the files that you want it.
> Step four  żvelocity?
> I was thinking of sending the source at the list, it is about 20K zipped.
> Please, I need a committer to tell me wath to do.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gaston

If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous

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