How about a decent book?

Robert Slifka wrote:
> I've only recently re-subscibed to the user list, but so far, since last
> summer, the average quality of question seems way down.  I guess it's a
> testament to Tomcat's increasing popularity.  People think, "oh, Tomcat!"
> then they come here and email to the user list, "How do i install and
> configure Tomcat?"  I'm sure the committers get this all the time, but in
> 2-3 days of answering questions, I've started to get personal emails as
> well!
> Rather than continue to bludgeon people with documentation they refuse to
> read (as one poster writes, "...hence i would like to get your ideas rather
> than just reading through the docs") is there something else that can be
> done?
> Maybe more mailing lists than just user?  tomcat-apache, tomcat-install,
> etc.?
> Or maybe a configuration validation program that does more than just check
> syntax (a la httpd's)?
> I'm trying to take some intiative here, but I've been out of the loop since
> Oct 2000 or so =)
> Thoughts anyone?
> - r

Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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